Sunday, April 16, 2017

Sunday Stills - Vintage

Sunday Stills - Vintage
Happy Easter ! I'm back as promised with my vintage post. I have a thing for old things... dried flowers or old hand written letters or sheet music... even fossils. Most of my stuff is from my own collection, from mom and dad, they have a story and memories associated with them.
"Sometimes you never know the true value of a moment, until it becomes a memory" The letters are from my dad, and I cherish them because they are hand written. Dad had one of the most beautiful handwriting I have seen, so artistic... His words were not just wise but so well chosen and put together. Some people have to make an effort to write or express, for some it comes so naturally.
Hope you guys have a wonderful Easter, will come back with a recipe next this week.
Sunday Stills - Vintage
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