Saturday, March 25, 2017

Sunday Stills - Speed light

Sunday Stills - Speed light Simi Jois
Thank you everyone for being part of Instagram (live) Q&A on photography. Sharing what I know, even though I am learning myself, is indeed very fulfilling. Thanks again.
One of the questions addressed was about speed lights. I use Nikon  SB-600. It is a really an old model, but does its job very well. I am sharing an image here taken with the help of the speed light. Just one light source - speed light.  The light was not directly facing the flowers, but it was facing a reflector that was facing the flowers. Very simple set up.
If you guys are interested in more of Instagram live sessions or behind the scene set up, do follow me on Instagram.
Have a wonderful weekend, love and hugs.
 Here is one in natural light.

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