Monday, February 17, 2014

365 days of photography: February (part1) 2014 - Creating Moody Shots

365 Days of photography - January, 2014. 

I have been  regular with the 365 photographs updates on Facebook, but haven’t been able to upload on the blog as quickly. I have been contemplating to split the post into 12- 15 parts. There is no way a post can handle 365 images. At first I thought I could do a collage of images, so we can have all the images in one post, but I don’t think it does justice into the effort that has gone into it.  So am going to do one or two post per month dedicated to project 365.

I have received a few queries about my photography. I am treating these blog posts as an open forum to discuss and share what I know and my learning curve as I go. So I will try and answer any photography related questions and discussions in these posts. Am no expert and continue to learn everyday. Having said that, please correct me if am wrong, or/and, if you want to share/contribute, I would love to have you write a guest post at TNS.  Leave me comments, queries on the contact form on the blog, Facebook or email ( Below, I will attempt to respond to some of the questions I have received.

How do I take  moody shots? I plan all my shots in the same way. So, it should probably be how do I plan my shots?

When I plan my shots, I usually think of the mood and light first. Eg: scroll down to the image 47/365 : February 16, 2014. To avoid confusion let me post the image here, so this is the image I am talking about.
#Photography #FoodPhotography

Let’s take that image an as example, it is a moody image. By moody I mean, the light and shade play with each other to create a painting like effect. I visualized a cup of tea on a cold winter evening, I wanted a vintage look. That defines the mood. The light had to be manipulated to portray the mood. Subtle, preferably dark would signify cold and evening. Backlit would definitely not work, so directional light coming from the side, would work perfectly. Blue, is both cold and creates a beautiful vintage effect.

So, now we have 2 things nailed down, cold evening and directional light. Now for the vintage look. I painted a board with beige and blue uneven patterns. Blue board for the base, and a blue scarf. What is missing is the tea cup, it is not as vintage as I would have liked, I wanted something ornate, and if this was a client request, I would have gone shopping for the perfect vintage cup, but since this is for my own portfolio, I went with what I had. I added 2 books, to give the cup some elevation and added three saucers to create horizontal lines, to add weight, so the eyes are drawn to the cup first. The color of the books compliment the scene, blue and green. I blocked the light on the left.  For movement I made sure the tea was sizzling, so I could capture steam (real).

If this was a winter morning shot, I would have gone with backlight, still kept warm tones. ( February7,  38/365)

 If it was a summer morning, I would have gone with white, pure white and probably an ice tea, with lots of condensation. Bright would be the operational word.

Send me anything else you want me to cover, talk about and I will be more than happy to try and address it in my next segment.

Some inspiration for you guys : Pinterest 
and Sophia’s 356 days photo  journey 

#Photography #FoodPhotography
February 1, 2014 : 32/365 : Baked Aubergine Pizza 
February 2, 2014 : 33/365 : Winter Morning Sun 
February 3, 2014 : 34/365 : iPhone click
#Photography #FoodPhotography
February 4, 2014: 35/365 : Almonds

#Photography #FoodPhotography
February 5, 2014 : 36/365 Honey Luminosity

#Photography #FoodPhotography
February 6, 2014: 37/365 Granola Bars

#Photography #FoodPhotography
February 7, 2014 : 38/365 : Morning Chai
#Photography #FoodPhotography
February 8, 2014: 39/365 : Carrot Ginger Soup
February 9, 2014: 40/365 : Hues of gray 

#Photography #FoodPhotography
February 10, 2014 : 41/365 : Mint
February 11, 2014 : 42/365 : My first experiment with artificial light ( nothing fancy, florescent room light)
#Photography #FoodPhotography
February 12, 2014: 43/365 : Wontons
#Photography #FoodPhotography
February 13, 2014: 44/365 : Magic of kneading

#Photography #FoodPhotography
February 14, 2014 : 45/365 : hearts of dough
#Photography #FoodPhotography
February 15, 2014 : 46/365 : yearning for some green 
#Photography #FoodPhotography
February16, 2014 : 47/365 : A cup of tea on a cold snowy day 

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  1. Simi, this is an amazing post and also a great idea about the same issue I've been struggling with since I joined the 365 days challenge. Love your moody images and just as much love the uplifting light and cheerful photos.

  2. fantastic Simi and thank you very much for sharing with us as well. I see that I have not even begun to climb and yet to take the first step even when compared to these snaps.

  3. Lovely clicks of all the food and drink.

  4. Your pictures are lovely. The amount of thought you put into them shows. Sharing your post.

  5. Beautiful pics and your explanations are quite helpful!

  6. Hi Simi . I stepped in to your blog to read about white on white photography skills, introduced by Sujatha Arun. When I started to read that it made me to look into your this post. Such a detailed explanation . For a new-bee like me who will be puzzled where to start n what to learn this is a treasure. Happy to have known u n ur photography!! Hoping n loving to explore.


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to browse. I appreciate all your comments, feedback and input. Hope you enjoy your stay :))


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